Choose Your Own Adventure, Free Workshop and This Week’s Round Up

Hi Reader,

As a child, I LOVED Choose Your Own Adventure books. Maybe it was the existentialist in me or my need for autonomy, but there was something magical about them for me. I’ve been thinking about them lately, because this year, I’m working on a big project to rework the last several years of content and education that I’ve put together into a choose-your-own-adventure style format, so that people can find and access the insights that meet their needs. I still have a long way to go on making this dream a reality, so I’ll share more on that down the road once it has come together.

For today though, let’s try to do a mini version of choosing your own adventure because this week's roundup is a bit all over the place, and I don’t think everything here will be interesting for everyone. I have thoughts to share on how Autism overlaps with PTSD and ADHD, and I have thoughts on Autistic parenting and Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship. While I don’t have a way in email to let you jump to certain pages for the rest of the story, I’d encourage you to take a look at the section headings and select the right “adventures” for you this week.

PTSD, ADHD and Autism

One of the most common questions I get — and one that I got asked about this week — is about the intersection of ADHD, Autism, and PTSD. These diagnoses can be tough to tease apart, especially in the context of complex trauma where a person's brain has been shaped by unsafety.

Complicating matters, ADHDers and Autistic people are more likely to develop PTSD following a traumatic event. I have some new resources on PTSD (see the weekly roundup), but I also have several old resources on PTSD that may be of interest to you:

Autistic Parenting

I've thought a lot about Autistic parenting, especially Autistic mothering. My pregnancies, births, and those early years were incredibly difficult, and I didn't have a lens to understand why. Learning I was Autistic and cultivating a sensory lens brought many ah-ha moments. I am thankful more young parents are getting access to this knowledge earlier, though many still find out much later. Parenting is a frequent topic in the Learning Nook, from questions about becoming a parent to parenting neurodivergent children.

I'm excited to share that Dr. Kiley Hanish did a workshop on parenting while Autistic. You can read more about accessing that workshop for free in the weekly roundup. Meanwhile, you can also check out this blog post on Autistic mothering.

Neurodivergent Entrepreneurship

This week on the podcast, we started a new series on neurodivergent entrepreneurship. I have complex emotions about this topic. On one hand, I love discussing the creative process of building a value-driven and curiosity-driven business, but I also cringe at the capitalist undertones.

Many creators become entrepreneurs because they don’t fit into traditional systems. That’s been my journey too. Creating a business has allowed me to accommodate myself while pursuing something meaningful. While I probably will never focus on entrepreneurship in my Sunday newsletters, I'd love to create content for neurodivergent creators or entrepreneurs. If you’re interested, please click this link to let me know you'd like to receive this kind of content in the future.

Okay, and like today's newsletter, we also have a lot in our roundup, with lots of divergent options — from PTSD to parenting to entrepreneurship topics covered! Whoever said you need to niche down to be successful doesn’t understand the ADHD brain! Or maybe you'll all hate this and today is the day you unsubscribe. Either way, thanks for being here!

Dr. Neff

★彡 Neurodivergent Insight Weekly Roundup ★彡

New On the Podcast

This week on the podcast, we're starting a new series on neurodivergent entrepreneurship. It turns out that many entrepreneurs are neurodivergent. In this first episode, Patrick and I dive into our own journeys of entrepreneurship.

This Week on NDI Website

This week, we're breaking down the diagnostic criteria for PTSD. PTSD, Autism, and ADHD commonly co-exist and can be challenging to differentiate. This breakdown is part of our DSM-5 in Pictures series.

New On Psychology Today

How to Find Your Sensory Goldilocks:

Achieving the "Just Right" Fit

This week on my Psychology Today blog, I wrote a new article that expands on the Goldilocks Sensory idea (which I originally shared in a newsletter with you all).

Neurodivergent Resource (Free)

Dr. Kiley Hanish recently shared a workshop in the Learning Nook with tips on Parenting while Autistic. Dr. Hanish is a neurodivergent occupational therapist specializing in perinatal mental health, including pregnancy, postpartum, and perinatal loss. She is the founder of Return to Zero: HOPE, a non-profit supporting bereaved families, and provides neurodivergent occupational therapy coaching for adults through her private practice.

To access this workshop, go to the Newsletter Resource Vault and sign up. Scroll beyond the free PDFs to find the workshop.

How to Access:


  • Try using a different browser.
  • Ensure your browser is up to date.
  • Clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
  • Double-check the password for typos (note it's NDI as in Neurodivergent Insights, not the number 1).

Enjoy the workshop!

New Resource

This week, we've added a new resource to the Neurodivergent Insights shop: the PTSD DSM in Pictures series. If you have previously purchased the full DSM in Pictures series bundle, you can find the PTSD PDF in the Google folder.

📩 Pass It On

If you're finding value in these weekly resources, you can share this newsletter with friends and colleagues. You can just forward this email or send them here to sign up.

Stay Kind. Stay Curious.

Dr. Neff

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Hi! I'm Dr. Neff (Neurodivergent Insights)

I provide resources for the neurodivergent (ADHD and autism) person in mind.

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